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The Artist

Hamza Shuaib

Singer & Songwriter

Assalamu Alaykum,

Growing up in Jos, Nigeria, I was always told I had ‘strong-head’. This was by no means a compliment, it was my Mum’s way of saying I was stubborn. It would seem this trait albeit a negative one, had a good side… it meant I was tenacious and persevering. My defence is, I had no choice in the matter… my father named me Hamza (Arabic name meaning strong; steadfast)
My name is Hamza Shuaib and I am a Nigerian-born British Poet and Singer-Songwriter. I sing songs called Anasheed. Nasheed (singular) is an Islamic song that is either sung acapella or accompanied by percussion instruments only such as the daff. Simply put, in keeping with traditional Islamic songs, my work is devoid of stringed instruments but comes with a contemporary style of storytelling, quirky songwriting, and songs that are organic and interestingly relatable.

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